

UBICUO is the title of the piece that the artist will develop during the Colectiva x Mapping Festival residency.
The word ubicuo, Spanish for ubiquitous, alludes to omnipresence, the quality of being present everywhere, constantly, at the same time.

UBICUO reflects on the power of all the invisible energies that are manifested through the many devices we use daily. These energies augment our sensory perception and make us part of a liminal space, happening in parallel to our everyday experience and having influence in all of our activities, even if it goes unnoticed by our senses.

During the residence C03RA will conduct electromagnetic recordings and field recordings, process them using digital synthesis, and then create a visual representation of them to make for a high impact audio visual piece that will then come to life in the dome projection.

“The World Wide Web is like an electronic nervous system that envelops the entire planet, serving as the forerunner of what American poet John Perry Barlow calls a “World Wide Brain,” wherein human brains combine and create a planetary consciousness.”
Kindli, Csenge. “Hertz: Electromagnetic Waves.” Environment & Society Portal, Multimedia Library, 2014. http://www.environmentandsociety.org/node/6629/.

Field Recording

Electromagnetic recording

Dome construction

Live Performance