

"Là, dans un bosquet entouré de fleurs, dort l’hermaphrodite, profondément assoupi sur le gazon, mouillé de ses pleurs. La lune a dégagé son disque de la masse des nuages, et caresse avec ses pâles rayons cette douce figure d’adolescent. Ses traits expriment l’énergie la plus virile, en même temps que la grâce d’une vierge céleste."

(Comte de Lautréamont, Les Chants de Maldoror, 1869, p. 140-141) 

This year during the Covid pandemic, I reflect a lot about the meaning of isolation. That´s how I thought about a character from one of my favorite books “The hermaphrodite” of Les Chants de Maldoror, a poetic novel by the writer Isidore Ducasse, Comte de Lautreamont, an Uruguayan-French writer that´s always been present as an influence in my work. With that in mind I started developing this piece, inspired by this character, living in a forest clearing isolated from society.

"Es en el himno al hermafrodita donde la angustia del ser que es distinto aparece en toda su plenitud."



Hermafrodita is an immersive experience of contemplation and exploration. I created a world with a unique aesthetic and rules to accentuate the liminal, oneiric quality of the piece. I used a collage technique of sorts using elements from different eras and different places and make them live together in this realm.

VR Test

“Cuando me di cuenta que numerosos monumentos antiguos de Roma estaban abandonados en campos o jardines, o convertidos en canteras para nuevas construcciones, decidí preservar el recuerdo con mis grabados”

Giovanni Battista Piranesi

I used a 3D scan of a roman sculpture from the second century that was later found and intervind by the sculptor Bernini in the seventeenth century. I placed it inside a virtual reality environment which is a dreamy forest in the French countryside.

For the generative soundscape I collected field recordings from Paris and Montevideo and manipulated them to enhance the immersiveness.


As a consequence the experience of Hermafrodita brings poetry and classical sculpture to the contemporary world, creates new meaning to them, break it down to pieces and build it again in a magical anachronism that is only possible in the virtual realm.

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Virtuality Experience Paris / France

Virtuality Experience Paris / France
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Hermafrodita playing in 30 Seconds Museum / Curated by NEO SHIBUYA TV & NEW MEDIA ART. Shibuya / Tokyo